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Our Music

Coming Up

Our next event is our Christmas Concert at the Saxon Hall

on 16th December 2023.

We will be singing a mix of songs from musicals and traditional Christmas fare.

Before joining our choir you might like to get a feel for the kind of songs we sing.

"Well known songs that have stood the test of time"

might be a good description for the majority of the songs we like to sing.

There are always the carols at Christmas and the odd silly song to make us all laugh.

Perhaps a few examples of pieces we have performed recently may help.

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Dona Nobis (Anon)

Scarborough Fair (English Folk Ballad)

Bright Eyes (Art Garfunkel)

Hall of the Mountain King (E. Grieg)

Can you Hear My Cry (J Papoulis)

Over the Rainbow (Harold Arlen & E.Y. Harburg)

Can't Help Falling in Love (Weiss, Peretti.Creatore

You are my sunshine (Jimmy Davis/Charles Mitchell)

Moon River (Johnny Mercer, Henry Mancini)

Catch a Falling Star (Paul Vance/Lee Pockriss)

And our signature tune is - As Long as I have Music (D Besig & N Price)

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